Critical slope gradient or slope length is not a constant value, which varies in some ranges and depends on the factors of rainfall, slope type. 临界坡度、临界坡长都不是一个确定的值,但在一定范围内变化,变化范围由降雨、坡面地形等因素决定。
So, I claim that the gradient vector is perpendicular to the level surface corresponding to setting the function, w, equal to a constant. 梯度向量是,垂直于原函数的等值面的,令w=常数。
The gradient of the Moreau-Yosida approximation to a piecewise C2 convex function is studied in this paper. The piecewise smoothness of the gradient function is obtained by introducing a constraint qualification of the sequential constant rank. 对分片C2凸函数的Moreau-Yosida逼近研究了它的梯度性质,引进了序列常秩约束条件,在此条件下证明了梯度函数具有分片光滑性质。
When the time is long enough, the pressure P_1 and P_2 will be equal, also their pressure gradient will be constant. 当时间足够大时,孔隙压力P1和P2将会相等,且它们的压力梯度为常数。
The results showed that the pressure gradient in the riser and standpipe was gradually decreased with the superficial gas velocity, while it was increased with the circulating rate at the constant superficial gas velocity. 在提升管内表观气速一定的情况下随着循环量Gs的增加,提升管及立管内的压力分布也随之增大;
For the optimization algorithm applied to the production planning programming, because the objective function of the models is nonlinear, the gradient of which is piecewise constant, the normal nonlinear programming algorithm can not be used in here. 在生产计划优化算法方面,由于本文建立的生产计划模型是非线性的模型且目标函数的梯度是分段常数,不能采用常规的非线性算法进行求解。
The pressure gradient force in a model with topography is calculated at the constant pressure surface, i. e. by using the so-called interpolation method. 在有地形时,气压梯度力项采用在P坐标系计算的方法,即回插法。
The wind speed and its gradient varied with a fan outlet area change at a constant flux. 在相同流量下,改变风机出风口的大小,可以得到不同的出口风速和梯度。
Using same boundary condition, the temperature gradient along the z direction is gradually increasing to a constant from the solid liquid interface to the top of crystal while the internal heat generative is considered. 考虑对辐射的吸收,固液界面处轴向温度梯度最小,向上逐渐增加,最后趋于恒值。
Based on the structure of an all-digital parallel receiver ( APRX), the algorithm util-ized the gradient descent ( GD) algorithm to iteratively minimize the cost function of constant modulus algorithm ( CMA), and updates the coefficients of group delay compensator. 该算法基于一种并行全数字接收机结构,采用梯度下降算法迭代的最小化恒模算法的代价函数,完成对群时延补偿器系数的更新。
A gradient deposit of n-Al_2O_3/ Ni was prepared at a constant current density. The hardness of the coating increased with increase of the deposit thickness. 采用恒电流电沉积工艺制备了纳米Al2O3Ni梯度镀层,镀层显微硬度由内到外逐渐增加。
Dual linear gradient elution can be performed with two specially made glass container and a high pressure constant flow pump. 用两个特制的玻璃容器及一台平流泵即可实现二元线性梯度洗提。
In this paper, we investigate the macroscopic transient properties in plasma caused by a pressure gradient perpendicular to a constant magnetic field. 利用Spitzer的广义欧姆定律分析等离子体中由垂直于磁场的压强梯度所引起的宏观瞬变性质。
The first-order neighborhood of MRF bias the constant value, the constant gradient value and the constant curvature value of model need the second-order and the third-order neighborhood, respectively. So, combining three kinds neighborhoods can improve the inversion results. 马尔柯夫随机域的一阶邻域偏好于常数值区域,而模型中常梯度值区域和常曲率值区域分别需要用到二阶和三阶邻域,综合使用三种类型的邻域可以改善反演效果。
Velocity gradient in an element is a constant vector, and the velocity at each position may be calculated by making two-dimensional linear interpolation. 单元内的速度梯度为常矢,任一位置处的速度可由二维线性插值求取。
But when the magnetic field and temperature gradient are kept on a constant, growth rate has no significant impact on the flow velocity in the mushy zone. 而在磁场强度和温度梯度不变时,生长速度对于糊状区熔体的流动速度并没有明显的影响。
Annealing treatment of ZnO varistor ceramics in high-temperature sintering by laser shock processes vs annealing treatment, the voltage gradient is essentially the same, nonlinear coefficient substantially increased by 31.6% and leakage current reduced by 33.3%. The relative dielectric constant increased by 68.9%. 而ZnO压敏陶瓷高温烧结态在退火处理基础上进行激光冲击处理,与退火态相比,其电位梯度基本不变,非线性系数提高了31.6%,漏电电流降低了33.3%,相对介电常数提高了68.9%。
The characteristic curves of the deformation parameter versus the shape parameter, thermal loadings and material gradient constant of the FGM shells are illustrated and also the effects of material gradient property, shape parameters and temperature parameters on deformations of shells are discussed in details. 给出了壳体变形随壳体的形状参数、载荷和材料参数变化的特征关系曲线,重点分析和讨论了温度参数和材料梯度参数对变形的影响。
There is also an introduction of direct digital frequency synthesis based on CORDIC algorithm. 4, A review of blind equalization algorithm based on stochastic gradient recursion is proposed, and constant modulus algorithm that independent of carrier is mainly discussed. 简单介绍采用CORDIC算法的直接数字频率合成技术。4,简单回顾基于随机梯度迭代的盲均衡算法,重点讨论独立于载波的常模数算法。
The deformation parameters of the FGM beams versus thermal loading and material gradient constant are plotted. The effects of material gradient properties and thermal loading on deformations of beam are discussed in details. 绘出了梁的挠度随温度载荷及材料梯度参数变化的特性曲线,分析和讨论了温度载荷及材料的梯度性质参数对梁变形的影响。